
Capernaum Synagogue (Side)

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Misc. Image

This synagogue ruin stands on the site of the synagogue in Capernaum in which Jesus lived. The lower darker stones of the foundation are believed to have been part of the original building there when Jesus visited.

Capernaum Synagogue (#2)

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Misc. Image

This synagogue ruin stands on the site of the synagogue in Capernaum in which Jesus lived. Jesus would have been at this site.

Capernaum Synagogue (#1)

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Misc. Image

Jesus went to the synagogue in Capernaum and taught. Scripture: Luke 4

Moses' Seat

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Misc. Image

Jesus talked of the Pharisees and Teachers of the Law (Scribes) sitting in "Moses' Seat". Moses' Seat was representative of religious authority. Some synagogues literally had a chair called "Moses' Seat" where the leader sat. This is an example of such a seat. Scripture: Exodus 18:13, Matt 23:2

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