Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) - what it is, causes, symptoms, treatment


Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) - a violation of the stable work of the psyche as a result of multiple or isolated experienced events. Such events include violence, participation in hostilities, an experienced event in the course of a natural or man-made disaster.
PTSD can mainly occur in children and the elderly, since children do not have sufficiently developed mechanical protection of the psyche, and in the elderly, this protection, on the contrary, begins to be lost.
Causes of PTSD.
The main cause of this disease can be absolutely any injury that has a strong effect on the psyche. Such injuries include sexual violence, a catastrophe, a terrorist act, a hostage taking, participation in military operations, as well as isolated cases - the death of a loved one.
If the experienced event is severe, then the disorder is expressed by the utter helplessness of the patient, painful memories and horror. Usually in such cases, the individual is a witness or even a participant in the event.
The degree of complications and severity of the disease depends on the conditions and situation in which the person was. The severity of PTSD is greatly reduced when a person is in the circle of people who have experienced similar life situations.
The reasons also include loneliness, childhood trauma, hereditary diseases, and so on.
The most common cause of the disorder is hostilities in which the patient participated. During an event, a person's mind is neutralized, but in peacetime, memories emerge that make a person nervous or give in to emotions.
Symptoms of the disorder.
The main symptoms are frequent reproduction of memories, detachment, frequent departure from topics and conversations related to trauma, aggressiveness and indifference.
PTSD does not develop immediately, but some time after the event, the symptoms may last from several months to several years.
PTSD treatment is carried out by a complex action 6 with the help of medicines and psychotherapy.
Medical intervention involves antidepressants, tranquilizers.
In the treatment of PTSD in a psychological way, focusing on the topic of anxiety is carried out in order to be able to accept what has happened and begin to get used to reality, and not to remain in the past, in this event. Over time, the patient begins to look for the good sides of what happened after, for example, changing yourself, having a survival skill even in harsh conditions. Patients with PTSD have the skill to adapt to difficult situations at any time.
A complete cure for PTSD can be obtained by referring to special doctors. Lockouts, winching and recovery in Anchorage