How to roof


Quality materials for construction, of course, are of interest to anyone who is ever going to trim the roof. If you have already selected these materials, then you need to solve many other problems that, according to experts, are the most important.

1. Choosing the right roof

2. Competent design

3. Installation performed by experts

The choice of building. Absolutely any material must be used in the area in which it has shown itself to be of the highest quality from a technological point of view. For example, the metal tile has a number of restrictions: the slope of the roof slopes must be at least 14 degrees.

The choice of a protective coating is an equally important element, because it provides a long service life. Russian companies produce several types of protective coatings from metal: a polymer coating based on lacquer paint (25 microns thick) and a powder coating (thickness from 60 to 80 microns).

 The thicker the coating, the longer it will last. Roof design solutions. At the time of design, you can accurately determine the choice of coverage, because at this moment you will be able to see the appropriate options. Experts in this area are working every little thing, and try to take into account the strength of roofing products.

Designers in matters of how best to make a roof often make a number of mistakes, which are best to try to avoid. A roof with a small slope should not be covered with metal tiles, wavy tiles bend along the width of the sheet forming steps, as if in a small slope of the roof a water countercurrent effect may occur. The countercurrent forms water retention on the roof, it causes leakage and the formation of corrosion is possible.

If the ventilation channels are located across the slope, this causes the formation of bags of snow and the suppression of the roof. And in this case not only leaks are possible, but even a roof collapse.

Often the ventilation ducts are located in roofing valley, in cases of any installation it is almost impossible to perform. But some experts still allow such an arrangement of ventilation in their developments. But the guarantee that everything will be mounted tightly, of course can not give. This is another cause of leakage.

 Endowies in no case should not rely on the walls, it will cause permanent wetting and leakage, and as a result, and completely destruction.

Based on the above, we can conclude: the decoration of the roof of the house should include as few design solutions as possible, and a maximum of the most reliable styling options. Free promo from the administrator of this site .