Is Playing Poker a Sin


Does the Bible Condemn Playing Poker?

In diverse films, which are popular today, gambling activities are often portrayed as a pleasant pastime for wealthy and successful people. Of course, most people understand that this is nothing more than the director’s fantasies.

Yet, in real life, lotteries, betting, and gambling at land-based casinos are quite popular. However, even   more popular options are various poker rooms available on the Internet (you can read more about the level of their popularity in this post about poker sites). This is facilitated by the fact that poker began to be recognized as a sport.

Thus, the question arises, "What does the Bible say on this subject?" Is playing poker considered to be a sin in the Bible? Below, we will try to answer these questions.

What attitude should Christians have towards poker?

It should be noted that there is no direct mention of poker in the Holy Scriptures. However, this does not mean that the Bible does not provide any guidance on this subject.

As a rule, when playing poker, most people do not think where the money they win comes from. Poker differs from honest financial transactions in that a person wants to win money that others lose. What biblical principles will help a Christian understand what God thinks about this? According to the tenth commandment, to desire wealth, property, and money of a neighbor is as serious a sin as to desire a wife of a neighbor. Doesn’t a Christian who wants to win what another person loses show greed, thus violating this commandment?

Playing poker, people win rather than earn money, that is, they receive them not for the work done or the services rendered. Although the chances of winning are not very high, players make bets, hoping that sooner or later they will be lucky to win. In fact, such people want to get something for nothing. However, the Bible calls on true Christians to earn money through hard work. Thus, Christians should not dream of easy money and hope for a happy occasion, they just need to expect the blessings of God.

Even if someone is quite lucky to win, this person will certainly face the negative consequences of playing poker. The Bible says that things acquired with greed at the beginning will not be blessed in the future. Many of those who, for instance, won a lot of money at casinos, due to their experience, were convinced later that the wealth obtained in this way does not bring happiness. The Bible teaches us to rely not on changing wealth, but on God, who provides us with everything to enjoy.

It is also should be noted that gambling is fraught with serious danger. The Bible warns that those people who choose to become rich fall into temptation, a trap, and a large number of reckless desires that lead people to further destruction. It is a well-known fact that many people who at first firmly decided to limit themselves to small bets fell into the trap and could not free themselves from addiction to poker.

 Based on the above, it’s possible to conclude that Christians should be guided in their lives by the will of God who doesn’t want us to experience the negative consequences of playing poker.